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early endosome中文是什么意思

用"early endosome"造句"early endosome"怎么读"early endosome" in a sentence


  • 早期胞内体


  • Rab7 mediates transport of proteins from early endosome to late endosome or fusion of early endosome with late endosome, while rab9 mediates the retransport of m6pr from late endosome to trans-golgi network . the gtp / gdp-binding ability and intrinsic gtpase activity of rab proteins make them exist in rab-gtp or rab-gdp status . the switching of rabs between gtp-bound ( active ) and gdp-bound ( inactive ) forms requires other regulatory proteins, including guanosine exchange factor ( gef ), gdp dissociation inhibitor ( gdi ) and gtpase activating protein ( gap ), and lays the foundations of rab function
  • Rab7 mediates transport of proteins from early endosome to late endosome or fusion of early endosome with late endosome, while rab9 mediates the retransport of m6pr from late endosome to trans-golgi network . the gtp / gdp-binding ability and intrinsic gtpase activity of rab proteins make them exist in rab-gtp or rab-gdp status . the switching of rabs between gtp-bound ( active ) and gdp-bound ( inactive ) forms requires other regulatory proteins, including guanosine exchange factor ( gef ), gdp dissociation inhibitor ( gdi ) and gtpase activating protein ( gap ), and lays the foundations of rab function
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